Welcome to my website

Heyo it's nidoarisato, call me nido for short tho

image of me

planning on uploading all of my arts here because all other sites have kept changing format too much for me!

with learning html more im hoping i can keep my stuff a little more organized and have projects visible cause i craft things and take some step by step pics during the process

look forward to that and maybe just a collection of stuff i like on this corner of the web if you wanna stick around

    sites im on

  1. Tumblr
  2. Deviantart
  3. Bluesky (wip and i still have a twitter but probs deleting soon)
  4. ko-fi im thinking of setting up the shop when i've made more stuff
  5. etsy

My email for commissions is nidoarisato@gmail.com